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Creative network Panonika in cooperation with Potisje Becej is implementing a project for sustainable waste management and introduction of primary waste separation on the territory of the municipality of Becej.


At the beginning of the project, it is envisaged to raise the awareness of citizens about the way and importance of introducing a new way of waste separation and future waste management, which is realised by education of children in kindergartens, schools and households. So far education has been held in all elementary schools, gymnasium and technical schools, and the continuation of education follows in the coming weeks.



With the attached photos we will transfer you a part of the atmosphere from the previous education.

Na početku projekta predviđeno je podizanje svesti građana o načinu i značaju uvođenja novog načina separacije i budućeg zbrinjavanja otpada koje se realizuje edukacijama dece u vrtićima, školama i po domaćinstvima. Do sada su održane edukacije u svim osnovnim školama, gimnaziji i tehničkoj školi, a nastavak edukacija sledi u narednim nedeljama.

Priloženim fotografijama prenosimo Vam delić atmosfere sa dosadašnjih edukacija.

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