Bečej - the city of Owls
As part of the project "Bečej City of Owls", Pannonica held a set of educational workshops for the youngest about the owls living in our country, with emphasis on the most numerous species - SOVI UTINI (Asio otus).
It was wonderful to work with the kids and watch them, seeing how interested they are when they talk about something that lives in our immediate surroundings that can be seen from near.
In addition, from the funds of this project, we have made 18 stands for owls and other birds of prey that we will place in the Bečej for spring, so that they can safely stand and observe the environment.
We also purchased some professional literature: it is a completely new book titled "Birds of Serbia - A Critical List of Species" and two ornithological journals, which we will give to the National Library, to add a fund of professional literature on our natural heritage.
Kako bismo na pravi način obeležili početak informisanja naših sugrađana o ovim divnim i misterioznim pticama, održali smo edukacije onima koji nasleđuju ovaj grad od nas – našim školarcima. Klinci su bili divni, videli su Bečejske sove dvogledima izbliza, naučili su mnogo o navikama, životu, karakteristikama, ishrani, letu, lovu, kao i o mnogim drugim zanimljivostima koje krase njihovo postojanje, a takođe su imali prilike da nauče ponešto i o ostalim pticama grabljivicama Panonske nizije.
Pored toga iz sredstava ovog projekta smo kupili i nešto stručne literature: to je nova knjiga pod nazivom „Ptice Srbije – kritički spisak vrsta“ i dva ornitološka časopisa Detlić, koja ćemo pokloniti Narodnoj biblioteci, da dopunimo fond stručne literature o našem prirodnom nasleđu.
Sredstava koje smo dobili ovim projektom štampan je edukativni materijal plakati na kojima se nalaze domaće grabljivice.