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Actions of cleaning up
Goranski Park


On Saturday, April 01, 2017, starting at 9 am, the action of the Goranski Park arrangement will be held. For participants, breakfast and lunch are provided, as well as refreshments during the action. Each participant should bring following tools: rakes, hoes, ash, etc., as well as cutlery and tableware. We ask the citizens of Bečej to respond in as many ways as possible to this event so that we can all enjoy together our beautiful Bečej oasis - the Goranski Park.


Organizers of the action: Pannonica, Movement of Gorani, JP Komunalac Bečej, Mountaineering Association Bečej, lovers of the Goranski Park, Secondary Technical School and the citizens of Bečej ...


In the sunny weather and optimism of the participants, Pannonica managed to execute a spring cleaning action with the support of the local self-government and in cooperation with TO Bečej, JP Komunalac Bečej, the Movement of Goran Bečej, Mountaineering Association Bečej, Technical School Bečej, Potisje Bečej doo, Scout Department "Ivo Lola Ribar" Becej and other interested citizens.

Following actions were taken: bush cutting around the paths, collecting fallen leaves and branches, grass mowing, collection of garbage, levelling soil deposits that occurred during the construction of the path, and more. Although there is still more work to do, the organisers are extremely satisfied with the achieved result. This was the most numerous action so far with 130- 150 participants.
The gathering started at 9 am in the Goranski Park, and the participants were divided into working groups after breakfast, and each group was assigned a specific job. The work lasted until 13:00, when lunch was served.

The entire action was accompanied by representatives of local media. The participants were satisfied with the action and quality time spent in nature. It is necessary to organise at least one or two such actions in order to complete the planned works and bring Goranski Park to the desired condition. We thank everyone who took part and helped the Goranski park to be a place we all enjoy being in.

Uz sunčano vreme i optimizam učesnika, Ekološka mreža ''Panonika'' uz podršku lokalne samouprave i u saradnji sa TO Bečej, JP ''Komunalac'' Bečej, Pokretom Gorana Bečej, Planinarskim društvom Bečej, Tehničkom školom Bečej, Potisje Bečej doo, Odredom izviđača ''Ivo Lola Ribar'' Bečej i ostalim zainteresovanim građanima, uspeli su u svojoj nameri da naprave akciju prolećnog uređivanja Goranskog parka, prelepe Bečejske oaze. Naime, radilo se nekoliko poslova istovremeno: šišanje žive ograde oko stazica, sakupljanje opalog lišća i granja, košenje trave, sakupljanje smeća, izravnavanje zemljanih nanosa koji su nastali tokom izgradnje staza, i drugo. Iako je ostalo još poslova oko uređenja, organizatori su izuzetno zadovoljni postignutim rezultatuma. Ovo je bila najmasovnija radna akcija do sada, a učestvovalo je između 130 i 150 učesnika. Skup je bio u 9h u Goranskom parku, a učesnici su nakon doručka podeljeni u radne grupe i svakoj grupi je dodeljen određen posao. Rad je trajao do 13h, kada je bio serviran ručak. Celu akciju propratili su predstavnici lokalnih medija. Učesnici su bili zadovoljni akcijom i kvalitetnim vremenom provedenim u prirodi. Potrebno je organizovati bar još jednu ili dve ovakve akcije kako bi se završili predviđeni radovi i Goranski park doveo u željeno stanje. Zahvaljujemo se svima koji su uzeli učešće i pomogli da Goranski park bude mesto u kome ćemo svi uživati.


Yesterday, a working action was held in Goranski Park. In this action we planted as many as 26 new seedlings, out of which 10 are FULLY NEW SPECIES IN OUR PARK! This means that we have enriched it with wood by almost 10% for one afternoon, which is great! This has increased the attractiveness of the park by introducing completely new species to it, because the ultimate goal is to make the Park as soon as possible grow into a botanical garden in which the diversity of plant species is crucial. In addition to wood, we planted 10 new bushes and a certain amount of decorative plants and flowers. This means we have increased total diversity by 15%! There were about 50 citizens involved in the action, which was organised by an informal group of citizens coordinated by Ksenija Markov, supported by the Tourist Organization of Bečej and NGO Pannonica. Action was held on October 29th. starting at 8.00.




Yesterday, another action was taken on the arrangement of the Gorski park.

The action was organized by Aunt Ksena and Pannonica with the support of JP Komunalac, the Gorani Movement of Becej, the Youth Office, the Secondary Technical School, the Women's Forum of the SNS and, of course, the citizens of the municipality of Bečej.


We were 40 participants. 

We divided ourselves into three groups in relation to the needs of the jobs that we wanted to do.

The first group planted flowers. Some of our fellow citizens donated flowers to the Goranski Park.

Voja Reljin donated 10 Arizona cypresses to the Goranski Park, which were planted yesterday.

The second group: SNS members arranged benches in the park.

The third group was cutting down that already famous bush area with which we have not yet come to an end. We miss another one or two days or more of the citizens' response to the action so that we could do it the way we thought ... but we will succeed!

Before the start of the campaign was a traditional breakfast in Vojvodina, and we slowly have our traditional Vojvodina lunch - paprikaš, in two varieties - with meat and in a vegan version, and those who tried this other kind say that it is like meat ...! :)

Some media have successfully followed our action.


Thank you all! Let's face it: spring spring, we are coming!

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