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"Tandebal" Festival and 

International volunteer camp

"On the road to Tanderbal"


For supporting Tanderbal Festival in terms of logistics and infrastructure, Pannonica has organised an International Volunteer Camp in cooperation with the Youth Office of Bečej and with the support of Eko- Bečej and the Gorani Movement. With a total duration of 10 days, the volunteer camp 

In addition to the work at the festival, volunteers will have the opportunity to meet local people, customs, culture and tradition. Also, young locals will have the opportunity to get to know their colleagues from different countries of the world. Since the camp's "official language" is English, they will have the opportunity to practice their language skills in the 14th "practical lesson".

The camp will be attended by 20 foreign and 10 domestic volunteers from the Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland, France, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Italy, USA, Slovenia, Spain, Belgium
and Germany.

In addition to these volunteers, about 20 other volunteers - local high school students - applied for supporting the 
realization of the whole event.

Come to the festival, support the work of our volunteers,
participate in numerous activities and workshops, or at least come and listen to concerts to make the festival as massive and successful as possible!

Cilj kampa je pomoć u organizaciji Festivala. Pored rada na festivalu volonteri će imati priliku da upoznaju naše ljude, naše običaje, kulturu i tradiciju. Takodje, naši mladi će imati priliku da bliže upoznaju svoje kolege iz raznih zemalja sveta. Pošto je „službeni jezik“ kampa - engleski oni će imati priliku da vežbaju svoj engleski u 14-to dnevnoj „praktičnoj nastavi“ - u medjusobnoj komunikaciji. Na kampu će učestvovati 20 stranih i 10 domaćih volontera iz: Holandije, Turske, Švajcarske, Francuske, Dominikanske Republike, Čilea, Italije, USA, Slovenije, Španije, Belgije, Nemačke.

Pored ovih volontera za uspešnu realizaciju čitavog dogadjaja prijavilo se još oko 20 volontera - naših srednjoškolaca.


Dodjite i Vi na festival, podržite rad naših volontera, budite učesnici brojnih aktivnosti i radionica, ili budete barem publika na koncertima kako bi festival bio što masovniji i uspešniji.

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