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Eco-tourist attraction - Goranski Park


Setting up small info boards in the Gorani Park in Bečej.



Last year, Pannonica realised the Green Fund Green Growth Project. This project has made a list of all the trees and shrubs that grow in the Park, with about 100 species.

A database of each tree was created in the Goranski Park, a website was created:

It contains the data and JPS locations of each tree.

Pannonica has conducted an oral survey on the knowledge of vegetation in our environment. Most respondents and park visitors did not know the answer to the simple question: "What do you think is  that specific tree?"

With plates installed, each visitor of the park will receive basic knowledge of vegetation in the park.

On Sunday, 13.12. the first 10 infotabs from the project funds were set up - "Ecotourism attraction - Goranski Park in Becej". On the big table there is a list of trees and shrubs and map with markers, and on small boards there are information about: origin, distribution, age, height and width of the tree, and different types: ginkgo, meal, grapes, wet cypress, white poplar, stubble stubble, black poplar or apple, black and white pine, liquid ...

We plan to set up boards for individual representatives of each type (97 species) located in the park. Support to the project was given by the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, collaborators of the project were: Komunalac Bečej, Construction Directorate, Pokret Gorana and Becky Design Company Plus.




Today,  5.12. Pannonica had an action to set up a large informative board at the entrance to Goranski Park.


On the board, there is a list of all kinds of trees (57) and bushes (39) that grow in Goranski Park. Remember that the total number of different species that inhabit the park is about 100! To be aware of that number, try, at this time, to list the types of trees you know or who fall into your mind. We are almost sure that you will not cross the number 25. Also on the info board, there is a large map of the park where the location of representatives of each species of trees and shrubs is mapped. 

Until now, you did not know what the GINKO looks like, or POWERFUL CHEMPRES, or LIKVIDAMBAR ... you'll know now.


Planned activities on setting up info boards with today's action have not been completed. Next weekend we will set up the first set of small boards, which will be located next to the representatives of each tree or shrub.


With this action, our park will become much more attractive and interesting to both ourselves and visitors to our city. The unremitting contribution of these boards is also in their educational sense. Our teachers will now have the opportunity to show their pupils examples of trees and shrubs live in order to make the knowledge of our children easier and more interesting.


This project is implemented with the help of the funds of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy. Partners on the project are Local Self-Government - Construction Directorate and JP Komunalac Becej. The company that was in charge of the production of the boards is the Bečej company Design plus.

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